Young European Lawyers Contest 2024

A new round of the Young European Lawyers Contest is starting now.

In this format participants compete in multinational teams, where they are introduced to different legal cultures, by drafting written arguments, conducting negotiations and pleading before a judge. The jury consists of leading European law practitioners. The contest consists of the semi-finals in Bucharest, Trier and Strasbourg with the final taking place in Trier and the CJEU in Luxembourg.

This is a chance to involve your young members in European law and to highlight the significance of European law for their future careers.

The application deadline is 1 December 2023. Please forward this information to your young members or include it in your next newsletter. All participation conditions can be found on the YELC website.

The Young European Lawyers Contest is co-funded by the European Union; partner organisations for this round are the Paris Bar, the WarsawBar, the Slovak Bar Association and the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB).



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